It’s raining Sycamore flowers


Sycamore flower

Sycamore flower

They hung, fragrant and sticky earlier in the year, buzzing with insects eager for the sweet feed.  The leaves and twigs of the tree, and the ground beneath,  glistened with honey-dew.

Now they fall down in showers, blown and sunburned brown and dry and carpet everywhere with their soft, cone-shaped florets.  I scooped up armfuls of these flowers at the height of their shedding.

flower from Sycamore tree

dry flower heads

Sycamore flowers

When they were in bloom, I remember thinking that it was a very good year for Sycamore flowers – along with the Buttercups.

Those that remained on the tree fast turned to keys and the tree looks to be in flower once more, with the intense pink colours.

Sycamore keys

Sycamore keys

I’m aware of this Sycamore tree as it stands feet from my workshop door.  It is an old tree and in high winds loses dead branches, but it provides a haven for birds, who nest there and feed on the insects it attracts.  Ladybirds feed on the aphids, Tree Creepers proddle at the loose bark for food, Blue Tits feed their young on the tiny green caterpillars that erupt on its leaves and the Swallows use the top branches for their courting.  At the base, where the soil is dry, Partridges take dust-baths and lie with their feet in the air, part buried from the scratched up earth.

Swallow in my sycamore tree

This cycle works well, I have lots of small Sycamore saplings, witness to the success of the winged seeds,  which when wind-borne,  rotate and travel, helping them spread away from the parent tree.

root of sycamore sapling

small sycamore tree and root

At the moment the tree is full of the song of my busy nest making Wren.






  1. Comment by Linda Lockhart:

    I just read your post on the Sycamore Tree and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading it. Your writing style not only is educational but the picture your word paint made me feel I was right there enjoying the tree and it’s busy visitors.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Oh, thanks so much – our familiar trees become such solid companions, and every day it offers something new. At the moment there are courting pigeons sitting very close to each other.

  2. Comment by John Pendrey:

    Within the domes of sycamore trees
    The humming galleries of bumble bees.

    • Reply by jennifer:

      Many thanks John for that delight!

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