
Pigeon Sculpture

  I think I read somewhere that Pigeons were the first domesticated bird.  Darwin wrote much about them in his publication The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, having for many years bred Pigeons and used them as an example to illustrate the extent of variation in domesticated species. Perhaps our association with them […]

Big Garden Birdwatch 2025

  Enjoying being part of the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch again this January. I’ve seen already Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Pigeon, Crow, Jackdaw and heard the Buzzard.  Also a special treat five Grey Wagtails feeding in the adjacent field.  They’ve been there over the past few days, along with a flock of Redwings and Fieldfares. […]

Hedgerow Birds sculpture

  Hedgerow Birds – carved in Yorkstone – 6″ x 2″ x 4″ Often when I sit quietly for a moment, perhaps assessing my progress with a sculpture, or to rest weary arms, I’m joined by little birds.  They hop and flit out of the nearby hedgerow where they must have been hiding or feeding. […]

Robin sculpture

  Robin sculpture carved in Kilkenny Limestone. This little bird was a commissioned sculpture owing to the bird’s relevance as a symbol of good luck, happiness and as a messenger for lost, loved ones. The folklore surrounding this strikingly feathered songbird captures our imagination and heart like no other. I see them here every day, […]

Bird Preening sculpture

  It is a lovely thing to sit quietly and watch a bird preen, they’re so particular and thorough.  For good reason of course, birds rely on their feathers for waterproofing as well flight. As they go round the wings and tail they’re stretching and pulling to reach the further-most parts and extend themselves into […]

Partridges Sculpture

  Partridges sculpture – a pair of Partridges sitting closely together, in a quiet but alert pose. This bird garden sculpture is based on the Grey Partridge and suggests a breeding pair with an established bond.  A life-size Partridges sculpture carved in Yorkstone. Partridges        

Beaver sculpture

  A few images of my recently carved Beaver sculpture in Yorkstone.  I loved carving this piece – the shape and solidity of Beavers suggest stone is the right and most suitable material to represent them. A close view showing the carving detail in the Beaver’s head, capturing the expressive nature of this endearing mammal. […]

Sculpted Shell-shaped Birdbath

  Sculpted shell-shaped Birdbath with graceful fluted rim carved in fine Yorkstone. Stages showing the detail and process of carving the natural stone shell-shaped Birdbath from a block of raw stone through roughing out, shaping and finishing the surface of this garden sculpture. Shell Birdbath garden sculpture – Howley Park Sandstone – 24″ x 20″ […]

Fox Cub

  Fox Cub sculpture carved in Hazeldean Sandstone As the gorse is in magnificent bloom just now, I thought Fox Cub would appreciate being in the wild landscape amongst the perfumed spikes, so we set off for the Common to enjoy the early morning sunshine.      

Hare with a brown back

  Sculpture of a sitting Hare carved in Yorkstone. This is one of the pieces heading to Norton Way Gallery very shortly for their upcoming exhibition at the Affordable Art Fair – Hampstead Heath, London – May 8-12. And you can see here how it came by its name – Hare with a brown back […]