
Swallow Fly

  Swallow Fly – sculpture of a Swallow in flight carved in Soapstone Last year my first sighting of a Swallow was on 13 April, so I’m looking skyward now with expectations of their return very soon.  How happy it feels when you catch first sight – a glint of shiny feathers, sweet chittering and […]

Slim Sliver of Hare

  Sliver of Hare – carved in English Alabaster – a small piece measuring just 4″ in length. Most of the colouring in the stone is at the Hare’s head and rather aptly echoes the tumult and frenzy Hares exhibit come Spring time.  So many of the special qualities of Alabaster fit with the myth […]

In the Workshop over Easter

  Witton Fell Hare takes shape in the workshop this Easter – I’m working over the long weekend which also coincides with the change to British Summer Time.  No time to lose, we lost an hour! The Hare of course is long associated with this time of year and so it is fitting to be […]

Spring stems, Spring begins

  On the first day of Spring I was treated to the sound of Pied Wagtails.  A pair back and forth chirruping from the workshop roof and fence post.  I’m always hopeful they’ll return and nest here – so with any luck they’ll like what they see and stay. I also heard the low humming […]

Little Hushwings

  I spent some time over the last month setting aside some Ancaster Limestone for carving my small Barn Owl sculptures, the Little Hushwings.  They’re now all chiselled to shape and sanded for an impeccable finish. Although I follow the same form for each one made – they’re every bit individuals, and of course every […]

Nightjar Sculpture

  A number of years ago I went out on a Nightjar watching evening.  Once we arrived at the site I found a tussock of heather and made myself comfortable. And watched, and waited.  We were surrounded by trees and rough upland terrain, which gradually became indistinct as the light ebbed away. But still I […]

Vixen Cub

    Fox sculpture carved in Fell Sandstone – a Vixen cub sitting in the Spring morning sunshine on mossy tree roots on the edge of Hagg Wood. March is the peak month for fox cub births, though it will be a few weeks before they emerge from the den.  They’re born blind and deaf […]

The Moorhen at Oldfield Pond

  I’ve come to this pond to watch wildlife many times – here it is in Winter, looking a little bleak – but as we come into Spring the edges fill with rush and reeds and its inhabitants re-appear and it is teeming with activity and life. For as long as I can remember a […]

Diving Bird Sculpture

  Diving Bird – carved in Serpentine stone showing the sleek outline typical of all Diving Birds found in UK wetlands. The streamlined curves help these birds – the Great Northern Diver, the Red-Throated Diver,  the Black-Throated Diver, Slavonian Grebe, Black-Necked Grebe, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe and the Cormorant – become exceptional swimmers both […]

Robin Redbreast

    In the cold and wintry weather, still hear his song: ‘Somebody must sing’ said Robin, ‘or winter will seem long’. Robin carved in Yorkstone, with the stone colour and markings perfect for its glorious red breast.   See details in my online shop – view Robin Redbreast