Tag: Birdbath

Sculpted Shell-shaped Birdbath

  Sculpted shell-shaped Birdbath with graceful fluted rim carved in fine Yorkstone. Stages showing the detail and process of carving the natural stone shell-shaped Birdbath from a block of raw stone through roughing out, shaping and finishing the surface of this garden sculpture. Shell Birdbath garden sculpture – Howley Park Sandstone – 24″ x 20″ […]

A gift for a garden and its birds

  Earlier in the year I watched a robin visit my Birdbath here at the workshop – it perched on the edge, bobbing and flicking its wings.  I thought at first it was in distress.  Then it flew, without drinking or bathing. Moments later it returned with three other birds – all newly fledged robin […]

The Voice of Water

  Where the silver wave with sweetness fed the tiny lives of grass I was bent above, my image mirrored in the fleeting glass, And a voice from out the water through my being seemed to pass.   These are a few lines from George William Russell’s peom The Voice of the Waters.  He’s talking […]