
Crested Tit Bird Sculpture

  Crested Tit sculpture carved in Yorkstone showing the distinctive tuft of feathers on its head.  These tiny birds live in coniferous forests in northern and central Europe and are found in the pinewoods of northern Scotland. Once a pair have established themselves, nests are formed into a cup shape, built entirely by females, and […]

Leaf Birdbath

  Sculptural Leaf Birdbath complete with perched bird carved in natural stone – 34″ x 23″ x 13″ For my recent show Beautiful & Useful at Sussex Prairies Gardens I popped this Birdbath on a plinth and it created a handsome and much admired feature – especially with the wonderful backdrop of the dramatic Amaranthus […]

New Wings

  The young Barn Owls spend vast amounts of time preening, stretching and opening their wings to flap in mock flight. It is all about building up strength and confidence – I see them using their wings for balance while running, begging for food and for fending off over-eager siblings.  They’re now very protective of […]

Owl Infants

  My workshop at present is a real mess.  I don’t just mean the usual dust and stone chips – it is splattered with Owlet poo and littered with their pellets. The Barn Owls nested in my new box and raised three chicks.   They’ve been out of the nest for about a month now but […]

Goldcrest bird sculpture amid Wisteria

  Goldcrests carved in Yorkstone with gilded crown in pure gold leaf. The fragrance of the Wisteria floats in through the open back door.  It has grown vigorously this last week and is now laden with the purple shades of its spring flowers – so beautiful, and today resplendent in the sunshine. I couldn’t resist […]

The Water Vole Book

  Yesterday I received a copy of The Water Vole Book by Hugh Warwick.  It is part of a series of nature books edited by Jane Russ and published by Graffeg in Llanelli, Wales. Graffeg very kindly sent it to me as the beginning of the chapter about this little mammal in Myths, Art and […]


  Waxwings are seen from October to March, over-wintering here before heading back to Scandinavia to breed in the northern forests. Often they gather in large flocks, feeding in berry-laden trees and bushes. They’re known for their soft, silky plumage and remarkable colouring – the red tips to the wings (which, it is said, look […]

Pinkfoot Gallery

  Yesterday I packaged up sculpture for delivery to a new gallery for me – Pinkfoot Gallery in Cley, North Norfolk.  The gallery will be showing and selling my stone sculpture in company with their other artists and sculptors. The acclaimed gallery owner Sarah Whittley, alongside being a writer and publisher, has a passion for […]


  With the lighter mornings I’m hearing the beginnings of the dawn chorus.  There was a very sketchy start by a Blackbird this morning, but it soon got into its stride. Just as bird songs are taking shape in the garden, bird sculptures are forming in the workshop.  This new one also enjoying the early […]

Perched Wren sculpture

  Perched Wren – a sculpture carved in Yorkstone revealing a rather plump bird (as you often see them in Winter months) with perky, upright tail and head lifted as if about to burst into song.