Spring stems, Spring begins


Vase with spring stems

On the first day of Spring I was treated to the sound of Pied Wagtails.  A pair back and forth chirruping from the workshop roof and fence post.  I’m always hopeful they’ll return and nest here – so with any luck they’ll like what they see and stay.

I also heard the low humming of a bumble-bee, it was large, a Queen emerged from the soil, out looking for food.  She’s seeking early sources of nectar to give energy for finding a nest site – she’ll be looking for bird nest boxes, old burrows and hollows or under sheds.  She was flying in beneath one of my stone pallets (I must be careful to look out for her the next time I move it).

And Spring stems for a specially made vase in Northumberland Buff sandstone.  A contrast of solid natural texture and sculptural form – balanced with fresh new leaves.

Hello Spring!


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