Tag: bird sculpture
The Early Bird
The Early Bird garden sculpture. There’s such a feeling of energy with leaf buds appearing on the trees and signs of growth and greenery. The garden calls. Birdsong, seedlings, tidying and compost digging – all in the Spring sunshine and accompanied by a following of small garden birds, singing and searching in the newly […]
A partner for Pigeon
A pair of Pigeons sculpture carved in Ancaster Weatherbed Limestone. I made a partner for Pigeon and they’re getting along nicely. The Pigeons in the field by my workshop are busy collecting twigs and are clearly paired up. There’s quite a flock, which rise up with a clatter and I look to see what […]
Bird Preening sculpture
It is a lovely thing to sit quietly and watch a bird preen, they’re so particular and thorough. For good reason of course, birds rely on their feathers for waterproofing as well flight. As they go round the wings and tail they’re stretching and pulling to reach the further-most parts and extend themselves into […]
September Birds
September Birds sculpture carved in sandstone. These birds are part of my collection showing at Harrogate Autumn Flower Show held at Newby Hall in Ripon. Tomorrow I’m setting up – stand GS32 – ready for the opening on Friday – the show runs 13 – 15 September. I’ll be exhibiting stone sculpture and a […]
Hedgerow Birds
The hedgerow is filled with sounds of newly hatched birds, and busy with parent birds flittering to-and-fro, in and out, to feed hungry mouths. As I pass birds scatter – the wingbeats of Yellowhammers, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Sparrow. A Wren perches at the top, and keeps singing, then disappears too, into the interior of the […]
The Unspotted Crake
For this sculpture, I chose a typical Crake pose – here’s how the RSPB describes this bird. ‘Spotted Crakes tend to skulk in thick cover and walk with their body close to the ground and tail flicking. They swim with a jerky action, like that of the Moorhen. If surprised in the open […]
Exhibition at Magpie Contemporary Art
Bird tail-up is my very latest stone sculpture and one of my bird carvings on show at Magpie Contemporary Art Autumn Exhibition. The sculpture shows a bird with its tail up in the air, in a perky attitude. I’ve carved in one or two details, some marks to suggest tail feathers and also crisp […]
Garden Birds
All the to-ings and fro-ings, flitterings, flutterings, and fledglings of garden birds has been something to behold. I’m trying not to anthropomorphize as I watch the stories of these bird families unfold. Nature is urgent and intense, survival urgent, and reproduction urgent. The strength and vigour of these cycles are captivating and potent. I […]
A bird flew into the house, it was a bit panicked and flapping when it saw me. I stayed still and it flew to the bookcase and perched there. I tried to usher it back out, but each time it flew past the wide open window and back round to the top of the […]
They’re short carving days at the moment. Heavy overnight frosts take time to thaw, if at all, temperatures not getting much above freezing. Before I know it the sun is going down behind the hill at the back of the workshop and there’s no light left to work in. Today though I managed to […]