Big Garden Birdwatch


Crow sketch in pastels

I love to join in with the Big Garden Birdwatch (in my little garden), and yes, I’m all ready to list my visiting birds on the 24th and 25th January, 2015.  Actually there isn’t really much to do in preparation – I do anyway keep my feeders regularly topped up, particularly at this time of year, and my birdbath filled.  This year I will make sure however that I have somewhere comfortable to sit, perhaps with a cushion (I watch from my workshop, and last year sat on the concrete floor and got absolutely frozen and a very numb bum!).

Apart from the counting and listing of bird species, I like to sketch my little visitors too.  This is by far the biggest challenge as they dash and dart around so quickly, it isn’t easy to get a likeness in my drawings.  The pastel sketches here of a Crow and a Long-tailed Tit are from my efforts last year.

Bird sketch

Are you doing the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch?  Hope so, shall we compare lists afterwards?

If you would like to join in, it is really easy, just spend an hour, at some point during the weekend, to watch and discover the wildlife in your garden – you can register here at the RSPB site.




  1. Comment by countrysidetales:

    I do the Garden Bird Watch every year too. That sketch of the LTT is fantastic- now they are hard to draw, forever moving about :o) I’d love to compare lists afterwards- great idea. Good luck with yours. CT :o)

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Oh great – thanks – look forward to seeing similarities/differences

  2. Comment by Ellen Abbott:

    Where I sit in the mornings in front of a window, I have a little bird feeder hanging under the eave so I get to watch the birds come and go. I keep it filled with sunflower seeds so the only ones I get are the seed eaters. chickadees, titmice, and cardinals usually though this winter a little yellow warbler has found it and an occasional wren comes and checks it out.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      I do read your posts about your beautiful birds, and feeders – I’ve grown some of my own seeds for the birds and try to give a good mix, the type of food certainly influences the visitors.

  3. Comment by Ellen Abbott:

    on and I meant to say, your drawings are great. I should draw more.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thanks Ellen, you draw in glass very well! Do you like drawing?

  4. Comment by Em:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I’ll be doing the birdwatch too. I wish my son was more interested! Thanks so much for visiting Dartmoor Ramblings and I’m so glad you did as I’ve found your site. I would love to have the same ability to sell my cards through the blog…..was it easy to set up? Your sculpture is stunning by the way!

    Best wishes,


    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Hello Em, and welcome! Will you try some drawings too during the Birdwatch? So pleased you’re doing it too. I see from your blog that you link through to your lovely Etsy shop for purchases (your drawing of Snippet is heavenly!) – which is perfect, do you list your cards there? When I’ve done purchases direct from my site, I’ve used the Paypal button, which is really straightforward and seems to work well. I’ll help you with setting up if I can! Thanks for your lovely comments too.

  5. Comment by Em:

    I did wonder about the Paypal button so I’ll get on to that. I don’t use Etsy for the cards as I think I thought it unlikely someone would buy one card but maybe I’m wrong. I’m so disorganised at the moment. All my friends think the opposite!

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      These things take ages to organise and then set up I find (and you agonise over them!) thinking it will be a two minute job, and it takes …… Have you tried doing sets of cards?

  6. Comment by Sarah:

    Your sketches are wonderful! Thank you for reminding me about the RSPB Bird watch. Sarah x

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thankyou so much Sarah – you must get some interesting birds ‘blown in’ sometimes where you are- I’ll be so interested to hear who your garden visitors are next weekend

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