Cornerstone and Conservation


Cornerstone garden

Cornerstone – garden designed by Pip Probert at RHS Malvern Spring Festival

Not surprisingly, I very much like the Cornerstone garden at RHS Malvern Spring Festival – the delicate alpine planting in the stone troughs, and the clever stone walled seating area with a stone table.

stone troughs

Cornerstone garden

The balance, planting and sculpted panel in Constraining Nature designed by Kate Durr Garden Design is both exuberant and elegant.  I do want to go into this garden and perch on the beautifully sculpted oak seats under the trees.

constraining nature garden

The Genetic Conservation Garden is intriguing and fascinating in addition to being very beautiful.  I need to be in this garden a while to really look at and understand the Crop Wild Relatives planting.  The idea is to encourage identification and protection of wild plants that have genetic relationships with our crops. This garden forms part of an urban nature reserve as well as a space to relax in the city. The significant group of plants contain a wealth of genetic traits, such as disease resistance, which when bred with commercial crop varieties can help future food security. Traditionally considered weeds, these plants are often overlooked and are in need of conservation.

Through the garden, the polished concrete path leads the visitor past wild planting and ponds to a seating area to relax and contemplate the planting choices, which incorporate a mixture of wild relatives and spring ornamental colour. The concrete tiles and pillars contain seeds that in the long term would germinate, breaking the man-made structures down and allowing the garden to become even wilder.

Genetic Conservation garden

This is my favourite garden, I love the thoughts and ideas behind it – it’s important, it’s wonderful.

It is designed by Tessa & Caitlin McLaughlin – Built by Bosworth’s Landscaping and sponsored by Stanbrook Abbey.



The RHS Malvern Spring Festival – 7-10 May 2015



  1. Comment by Ellen Abbott:

    beautiful garden and I love the cornerstone planters.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Some of them look like old stone sinks, but all glorious with the alpine planting – such tiny delicate flowers – they’re sort of like mini-gardens all on their own.

  2. Comment by Annie:

    I am fascinated by the concepts behind that last garden and need to learn more … thank you for alerting me to it 🙂

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      I thought very interesting too – they do talk about some of the planting in the links I’ve given, but I’d like to get a full planting list from them.

  3. Comment by Tessa McLaughlin:


    Thank you very much for the very nice mention of our garden. I read you would like a full planting list – this is now live on our website for you to view –

    If you require any further information please do contact us via the contact form on the website.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thankyou so much Tessa – lovely to have this information – thanks for helping!

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