Full Moon Dinner


Secret Herb Garden glasshouse

Last night I had a rather special time.  Around 7 pm I arrived at the Secret Herb Garden in Edinburgh to a very warm welcome at the entrance to their glasshouse – sparkly wine was being served alongside Canapes (which were placed around and amongst the herb beds, so there was a sense of foraging and exploring).

Full Moon Dinner


Secret Herb Garden

Comfy sofas and seating placed at the junction of paths were almost overgrown by lush, herby growth.  Some plants I didn’t recognise, and others were favourites, (lots to look up and find out about), but walking past created wafts of aromatic wonder.  We were all called to our tables – beautifully set with placecards, vases of fresh flowers and grasses, candles, glass sparkling and menu to ponder.

Secret Herb Garden - full moon dinner


Full Moon Dinner

Our host Hamish introduced the wines, chefs and the ideas behind his herb garden and reminded us that it was the beautiful, silvery, full moon that we were celebrating.

The dinner was so delicious – plates of beauty arrived full of intriguing flavours – have you ever had Old Bread and Weed Salad?   Or Herb Milk Jelly?  Woodruff Eclairs?   They were all very special indeed.  The whole meal made me feel indulged and nurtured – and furthermore determined to learn more, and grow more herbs myself and experiment with them in recipes – and just include more of them in my food.

Full Moon Dinner at the Secret Herb Garden

Just as we were leaving a bright, clear and magnificent disc appeared in the black night sky, rising from behind the trees.

What a magical evening.





  1. Comment by Ellen Abbott:

    sounds wonderful. my sister is a big herb person. most the stuff in her gardens are herbs.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      It was quite an exciting thing, all the unusual flavours I was tasting. All homegrown, fresh, natural, and wholesome – does your sister cook with them too? All growing together they are such a visual treat and smell so good too.

  2. Comment by Amanda:

    What a wonderful place, looks like a good evening, herb is something I use little of or know about.
    Amanda xx

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      I will be going back, to explore it all further in the day time. I’ve been looking at my own small herb growing area with new eyes, and I’m going to work at expanding it – had such a lovely time there.

  3. Comment by Annie:

    Oh my, this all looks and sounds rather marvellous, and your images are lovely.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      I had a magical time Annie – still thinking about it now.

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