Hand Carved Lettering v machined
Usually it is the mass produced, machine method and tooling that seeks to emulate the skill, beauty and craftsmanship of hand carved lettering in stone. Many methods are used, sandblasting, routing, and robots with special diamond tips rotating at super-fast speeds, but I’m not sure they quite replace me and my chisel just yet, certainly they are quicker but …..
However I’ve just completed a little job where I have been trying to get my carving to blend in with the machined.
In the village we had a lovely memorial stone, which got very worn and weathered and it was decided to replace it and a new stone was installed. Later research uncovered that some of the initials on the new stone were not the right ones, the old plaque surface had crumbled making the letters difficult to read.
By some good fortune the letters that needed altering were C’s, which needed to be G’s, and therefore it was possible for me to do the re-shaping.
The new stone initials carved in making the tribute as the original stone, and honouring the right men.