Happy Easter


decorated eater egg

Wishing you a very

H A P P Y   E A S T E R

decorated Easter egg

Easter eggs


  1. Comment by rusty duck:

    Happy Easter to you too Jennifer 🙂

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thankyou! Realised I should really have drawn a gosling on the goose eggs!

  2. Comment by countrysidetales:

    Love it! I feel inspired….

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thanks CT – do you have a tradition for Easter – I wanted to dye my eggs this time, but didn’t organise early enough. Also I tried for the first time carving into the egg to do a fern design – need more practice it is much more difficult than it looks.

  3. Comment by Ellen Abbott:

    very cute.

  4. Comment by Amanda:

    Look so good…. we normal go rolling eggs tomorrow or Monday, might be just me and hubby this year, younger son to big to drag out, but can be bribed with money !
    Amanda xx

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Have a lovely time! Something I’ve never done – is the winner the person whose egg goes the furthest – do you win an egg?

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