Plants and Sunshine


Visitors at the Scampston Spring Plant Fair

Visitors enjoying the Scampston Spring Plant Fair

On Sunday it was the Scampston Hall Spring Plant Fair and I set off with my pots and stone sculpture.  The annual Plant Fair is held adjacent to Scampston Walled Garden and exhibitors are specialist nurserymen selling quality plants and also there are other garden related stands.

Carnivorous plant

Carnivorous plant

carniverous plants

Carnivorous Plants – exotic, sculptural and intriguing

Carnivorous plant flower

Carnivorous plant flower

I had the most wonderful day.  For a start the weather was amazing, blue skies and sunshine all day long – but my fellow exhibitors were a really friendly, knowlegeable and lovely bunch.  Visitors came in such good spirits and bought lots of plants (and also one or two stone items!) to take back to their gardens.  I met and talked to a new stone supplier, a man who’s company machines timber, but who had lots of advice for me about tools, a clay supplier and a gallery who would like to show my work.  Quite a day!

Plant stand

Dark Star Plants

Plants at Scampston Hall Plant Fair

Plants for pollinators

Pink flowers

Plants for bees and butterflies

pink Foxgloves

Plants for a wildlife garden

blue flowers

Plants for bees

I had a wander round once I had set up, and met some carniverous plants, Dark Star Plants who had a lovely stand showing their dark flowers and foliage, Gill Tomkinson of Lavender Blue (who got as sunburned as me!),  Nectar and Pollen who had a beautiful display of wildlife friendly plants and Imelda Malkin from Woodlands Garden Design (who was rather taken with my Unknown Bird), and her husband (a bookbinder) – oh, and mustn’t forget, another pot maker Rose Peck Pots, who plants with Sempervivums very beautifully and gave me a ‘hints and tips’ sheet on the cultivation of potted Sempervivums.

sempervivums in pots

Rose Peck Pots planted with Sempervivums

Ceramic Bird

Ceramic Bird by Rose Peck Pots

To top it all, Scampston’s resident Barn Owl flew over us all, not just once but twice!  Great day.




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