Wintery Walk


Frosty morning on the moor

This morning I set off for a walk up on the moors above my workshop.  I often look out at those trees on the skyline from my sheds, and its lovely to see them from a different viewpoint, I think of them as rather protectively wrapping themselves around the workshop nestled below.  They’re home to buzzards whose plaintive cries thrill the still frosty air.

Frost on the stone wall

On these deeply cold nights, and days, it makes me wonder how the small birds and creatures survive – but they’re all around chirping and busily foraging.  I stopped for a while and watched the Field Fare and Redwings feeding on Hawthorn berries, churring and chuntering as they went.  It is a lovely sound.  All the stone wall tops are covered in soft looking frost fur.

The frost melts on heather

As I walked, the freeze began to melt and drip away, and frost dissolved to wet droplets on heather and moor grass.  It is often the way that the village remains a frost pocket all day, and up here on the moor the sun warms and the air is clear.  So many times I’ve been rejuvinated, energised and filled with joy by the North York Moors  – I love this place!

frost melting on moorland grass

Time to get back and crack the ice on the goose buckets and start work.  I’ve carried chisels in my pocket so they’re warmed and ready for use.




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