

Marble rabbit sculpture

This is the result of my chipping – a Rabbit sculpture carved in Portugese Rose marble.

Rabbit sculpture

Last year when I was collecting from one of the nests my geese were laying in, there was a little rabbit sitting right in the middle among the eggs, all cosy.  I was able to get very close and watched it for some time.  It was there most days.  Now I have rabbits living in my shed, they’ve dug a tunnel entrance like they own the place.  I don’t know if it is the same one, but I’m sort of feeling it is.  Anyway the images of the nest rabbit have stuck with me and the encounter inspired this piece.

Rabbit sculpture

The marble I’ve used for my rabbit sculpture is clean, brilliant white, but with gentle pink veining.  I’ve smoothed and honed just enough to allow a soft crystalline sheen to emerge, which catches the light magically.  Marble seems to draw in the light, holding it and creating the most delicate shadows.

Marble Rabbit will be one of the pieces featured in my exhibition at the White Fox Gallery in May.





  1. Comment by countrysidetales:

    Superb, love it :o)

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thankyou CT – could you tell from the first pics what it was going to be? Just winched a bigger lump of marble onto my workbench to get stuck into. Much appreciate your comments – especially as you’ve got so much on.

  2. Comment by Ellen Abbott:

    sweet little bunny.

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thanks Ellen – just learning about marble – it is addictive stuff – which is perhaps as well as I’ve got a long way to go

  3. Comment by Annie:

    He/she is exqusite!

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thankyou Annie – I’m not sure if a buck or a doe – what do you think?

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