Sketching in my Greenhouse


Drawing seed heads from the garden

Ideas for sculpture are always in mind, shapes being formed and worked out.  Often ideas come too fast, or are only part visualised and I have an urgent need to jot them down on paper.

Seed head

In working towards my exhibition ‘Naturally Inclined’  over the past few months, I’ve adopted the habit of shutting myself in the greenhouse to draw.  Out of the wind and rain, with plenty light, it has made a perfect drawing room – and even more perfect as my garden in general is what has really inspired the pieces I’m showing.

You’ll understand when I say there was a downside, that of being distracted to do greenhouse type things, to inspect seedlings,  re-arrange pots, tidy, trim, water and plant.

Meadowsweet seeds

My Meadowsweet was such a revelation last year, with its beautiful smell and pretty froth of flowers, attracting hosts of bees and butterflies and then finally looking magnificent with its rich rusty red seed heads as the summer faded.

Sketches of meadowsweet seeds

These, and other seed heads, and the individual seeds became the focus of my drawing, and then the carving in stone.  I chose Polyphant (Cornish Soapstone) as I wanted a dark, polished finish and the spots of colour in this stone are like a myriad of tiny seeds speckling the surface.

Stone Sculpture - Meadowsweet

This is the sculpture looking dusty grey, as it is in the final sanding stages, before polishing.  It will be all buffed and looking smart for the exhibition.

Meadowsweet stone sculpture




  1. Comment by Gail:

    Jennifer I absolutely love your new website. `Your sketching in the greenhouse is so fresh and I can imagine all the distractions.
    Also liked recent work of man and the very appealing chick. Always good to see what you are up to. I think you go from strength to strength.

    Great Stuff Gail

    • Reply by Jennifer:

      Thanks so much Gail – hope all your work goes well too.

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