Barn Owl in Winter Light

Barn Owl – carved in Hazeldean Sandstone – 14″ x 8″ x 15″
Recently days have been wintery, short, dark and grey – and then this morning the sun came up in golden style and put a glint on everything.
Here my Barn Owl sculpture is bathed in that special winter light. The Barn Owl sculpture is carved in Hazeldean Sandstone which is quarried near Alnwick, Northumberland and I think not only suits the piece for its Barn Owl colouring, but also looks glorious in this cast of light.
It is in these dawn and dusk gleams, light like this, that I’ve seen Barn Owls flying here and perched on fence-posts and in the hedgerow, so it seems completely right for my carved one.
See other Owl Sculpture