Stone in some form

image via Gardeners’ World
What a brilliant episode this week’s Gardeners’ World was (did you see it?) and quite a treat when Joe Swift visits Chelsea gold medal winner and stonemason Martin Cook to see how he uses contemporary rock sculpture within his Buckinghamshire garden.
So much talk of stone – I watched eagerly – rockeries, incised stone, sculpture, rock looking natural, stone focal points! Jo made a beautiful observation ‘what I like about the stone is that it has that warmth about it’. I think so too Jo.
I’m agreeing also with Martin Cook sculptor, in that stone has such strength and permanence and an awesome presence.

Image via Gardeners’ World
What a good looking birdbath he made, just a small hollow in a beautifully shaped natural piece of Hornton stone he found in his garden.
It reminded me of one I made many years ago in Yorkstone – now very much overgrown in the wild natural part of the garden, and still used regularly by the birds – perhaps I can pretty it up and soften with a red coreopsis like Jo did, as I thought it looked lovely.
In summary Monty could not have put it better
‘I do think stone in some form, whether used in as natural a way as possible, or inscribed or sculpture, always adds an element to the garden’.
If you were persuaded by all the praise of rocky things on Gardeners’ World to put some stone in your garden do get in touch, I’d be delighted to talk through any ideas you have, or help with a sculpture.