
Otter settled but alert and watchful

  An otter carving in Kilkenny Limestone – 13″ x 15″ x 8″ This piece was a commission for an otter in a curled-up pose, settled, but alert and watchful. I’ve set out all the stages of carving this piece in Curled Otter.        

The Beautiful & Useful Fair

  This weekend I’m showing a selection of beautiful (I think!) and useful stone vases and a small range from my garden ornament collection – a birdbath, sundials, pots, and planters. The Beautiful & Useful Fair is being held at Sussex Prairies in Henfield and is open on Saturday and Sunday.  I can’t wait to […]

Meadow Pipit

    The Meadow Pipit is a common nesting bird on the North York Moors, and its high piping calls a familiar sound.  They feed on the ground, mostly eating flies, beetles, moths, and spiders, and in autumn and winter the seeds of grasses, sedges, rushes, and heather. They also build their nests on the […]


  Kirkham Priory   On the way back from delivering a sculpture recently I stopped at Kirkham Priory.  I’ve driven past before and noted it as a place I’d love to go back to and explore. The entrance is through an impressive stone gateway, with a Gatehouse, all richly decorated with fine figure sculpture and […]

Wren Fledglings

  Such commotion and excitement surrounded the emergence of the Wren chicks from their nest in the stone store at my workshop.  As they disperse, the parents become more and more vocal in encouraging them to a safe place and shouting warnings, and the chicks louder and louder in demanding food. They’re so vulnerable at […]

Froghoppers and Spittlebugs

  I saw this insect crawling up a grass stem and just to be sure looked it up to see what it was.  I’ve seen lots of them lately – Froghoppers. This one has a body that is shiny black, with bright red markings.  The colours serve as a warning to predators of their unpleasant […]

Meadowing exhibition

  Today in the studio I’m putting finishing touches to these moths and butterflies, ready for my Meadowing exhibition at Mortall Gallery in Barnard Castle. The small collection of stone sculptures for the exhibition are pieces inspired by the meadow and grassland surrounding my workshop. This year the meadow has been exceptional, the grasses have […]

The Yawning Kestrel

  This year Kestrels have again nested at my workshop – using the Barn Owl nest box.  About a month ago I had thought I heard the smallest chick sounds, and since they have got louder, and the stomping in the box more frequent.  In fact, these chicks have been the noisiest I have known […]

A Moment to Sit

  Recently I received a call from a customer asking if I could make a stone bench to match the ones they already had.  It turns out that I made this circular table and curved benches for them some twenty years ago and over that time they’ve been greatly enjoyed for gatherings, outdoor meals, sitting […]

Swifts over the meadow

  The swifts are hunting for insect food to take back to their growing young and I see them flying over the meadow and hear their screeching in the late evening. What extraordinary and special birds they are. This is a standing stone I’ve carved with a simple Swift in flight outline cut through the […]