Forest and Moor
Goldcrest sculpture ready for showing at the Forest and Moor exhibition – carved in Yorkstone with gold leaf crests. Forest and Moor is the new exhibition opening on March 5th at the Watermark Gallery in Harrogate. The exhibition is showing the expressive artwork of North Yorkshire artist Janine Baldwin. One or two of my […]
Hare Hesitant
‘Mad as a March Hare’ they say…. March is right in the middle of the Hare’s breeding season, the males searching out the females, chasing and circling them. If a male tries to get too close too soon, the female stands up on her hind feet and turns on him striking with her forepaws, […]
Crested Tit
As part of my collection of Little Birds, I’m working on a Crested Tit today. I’ve never seen one, and although they’re common in Europe, the only place to see them in the UK is Scotland. They’re found in coniferous forests and ancient pinewoods in Inverness or Strathspey. The Crested Tit is lively and […]
This is the first of what I plan will be a flock of Goldcrest – or – as I think I’ll call it, a Castle of Kinglets! A ‘Castle’, ‘Court’, or ‘Princedom’ are collective names for Goldcrest, from the bird family Kinglets and Firecrests. Goldcrests are the UK’s smallest bird and have a golden […]
Curlew sculpture carved in Yorkstone – 17″ x 7″ x 9″ I’ve shown this large, elegant wading bird at rest in this sculpture, with its head turned, resting over its back and wing. Although it is a quiet pose, there is still alertness in the eye. Curlew fly up to the moorland here around […]
More on the Hawfinch idea
The idea of carving a larger Hawfinch sculpture is still with me (after my thoughts during the Big Garden Birdwatch) and I’ve been making some preparations by sketching and making clay models. I’m working on ways of showing the rather flamboyant wing feathers, which have a twisty-curvy ruffled appearance at the tips Additionally, I’ve […]
Snow Curlew
I’m making good progress on my Curlew sculpture despite the east wind bringing with it snowstorms. Carving continues – the flurries don’t last long, and they give me the chance to stand back and look properly at how things are developing. This stage of working the sculpture is thrilling – there’s definitely a Curlew […]
Snowdrops carved in stone
I’m working on Snowdrops, carving them into riven slate – I’m excited that my chisel leaves pale marks, helping to give the impression of white flowers. It seems a marvel that they manage to push their delicate heads above ground in snow, frost, and flood, but they’re especially well adapted to life in the […]
Bear thoughts
As I carve and the bear shape sculpture emerges I’m thinking about the Medieval Bestiary and the bear illustrations in manuscripts, and how different my idea of bear and how I would like it to look, is. The Bestiary describes that their general attributes include eating honey, but can only eat the apples of […]
Polkadot – cat sculpture
Recently I was commissioned to carve a sculpture of a cat called Polkadot, so throughout December and into January I carved away bringing feline features into a piece of Yorkstone. To the memory of Polkadot. You can see details of the carving process and the finished piece here.