Hedgepig and Hawthorn
Hedgepig – Hedgehog sculpture carved in Ancaster Weatherbed Limestone At the moment I’m feeding a Hedgehog that is visiting the garden, it appears just as the light is fading each evening. It moves very fast at times, surprising me with how quickly it runs. These bursts are interspersed with moments when it is still, […]
Stone Sculpture and naturalistic planting
If you missed the Beautiful & Useful Fair – here are a few images from the weekend. One of the lovely things about exhibiting at the Beautiful & Useful Fair is the venue. The Fair is held at Sussex Prairie Garden in Henfield which lends the most beautiful backdrop for my sculpture. This naturalistic […]
Barn Owl Sculpture
Barn Owl sculpture carved in Hazeldean Sandstone – 15″ x 7″ x 15″ The Barn Owl sculpture is made by hand chiselling a solid block of Hazeldean Sandstone using the method of direct carving. The details of the wings and feet are delicately cut with a sharp flat chisel in an artistically minimalist way. […]
Water Vole sculpture
Water Vole sculpture carved in Yorkstone When not eating herbs and grasses at the water’s edge, Water Voles are digging their burrows in the soft soily banks or sniffing the air to check for intruders to their territory.
Swallow sculpture in progress
Stone sculpture in progress depicting a Swallow momentarily perched. The carving is in Cornish Soapstone and will be polished once I’ve completed the shaping, slimming and refining. A swallow pair nested here at the workshop this year, raising five youngsters and so I’m surrounded by their happy sounding chirruping as I carve. I watched […]
Swanley Mouse
Whilst at Swanley Grange, Fountains Abbey for the Heritage Crafts 2022 last weekend I started a sculpture as part of my stone carving demonstration. It wasn’t finished at the time, but now back at the workshop I’ve completed Swanley Mouse. Granges were outlying monastic farms that provided food for the monks. Swanley was one […]
Mole Sculpture
A sculpture, straight out of the animal world, carved in Cornish Soapstone (Polyphant) depicting a Mole ready to put its huge front digging paws to use and burrow underground. The stone piece used for carving Mole has beautiful colouring, which has been fully celebrated in the refined finish and polished smooth surface. Mole sculpture […]
My Otter sculpture’s fabulous garden
I’ve just received this stunning image from my customers, showing their Otter sculpture now in place. Otter is beautifully positioned on a stone wall topped with sandstone slabs. The wall incorporates steps leading upward to a central flower bed and planted borders following the arc of a protectively enclosing outer wall. Otter’s gentle curves […]
Otter at Rest
Over the past few days I’ve been putting finishing touches to my latest Otter sculpture. It has been so hot I’ve had to rest too. A burst of work and then stand back and cool down. Tomorrow it is being delivered to its new home and I’m very excited to see it in-situ in […]
The Corncrake by Frank Rennie
This book – The Corncrake – An Ecology of an Enigma by Frank Rennie has come to the top of my ‘to read’ book pile. I wanted to know more about this bird, having sculpted a pair of Corncrakes, and how lucky I am that Whittles Publishing launched The Corncrake this year. Frank Rennie […]