Nuthatch Nest
I had an inkling that this hollow might become a nest site for a Nuthatch pair. Earlier in the year when we had the unexpected snow flurry in March I saw a Nuthatch flying from the hole with beakfulls of snow. It was excavating the entrance which had become filled and after pecking and […]
Would-be Windhover
At the moment I’m listening to the Kestrel chicks in the nest box at my workshop. Each day their pips and calls get louder, and more recognisably bird of prey. Their shuffling more frequent and noisy. They’ll start putting their heads out of the nest box entrance hole very soon and see the outside […]
Exhibition at the Sculpture Lounge
Here are a couple of sculptures I’m showing at the Summer Exhibition at the Sculpture Lounge from 25 June – 17 July 2022. My pieces for the show are a series of organic shapes and small, mostly for indoors as they’re in a variety of delicate, polished stones. This piece is called Pod […]
Hedgerow Birds
The hedgerow is filled with sounds of newly hatched birds, and busy with parent birds flittering to-and-fro, in and out, to feed hungry mouths. As I pass birds scatter – the wingbeats of Yellowhammers, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Sparrow. A Wren perches at the top, and keeps singing, then disappears too, into the interior of the […]
Owl in Columbines
Garden Owl sculpture carved in High Moor Sandstone sits amongst the newly blooming Columbines. Perhaps I should call them Aquilegia, as they are a garden cultivar in yellow, with purple-green foliage. In the language of flowers (symbolism originating mostly in the Victorian era) Yellow Columbines bring positive energy, including friendship and happiness. The Celts […]
Furl and Frond
Fern sculpture carved in Sandstone with mottled colouring (like dappled sunlight) Along with the appearance of Bluebells in Spring, ferns begin to show themselves, unfurling and stretching out their fronds. They intrigue with their coiling new leaves, hairy stems and delicate fronds. Furl and Frond fern sculpture is a commissioned carving, with a contemporary […]
Corncrake Couple
Corncrakes (or Land Rails as they are sometimes known) are rather secretive birds, usually taking refuge in tall vegetation where they search for insects and seeds. They’re summer visitors to Britain, arriving mid April. The male will look for a suitable breeding site and start to sing for a mate. Once the mating has […]
The Buzzard
The Buzzard sculpture carved in sandstone – work in progress. Over the past few weeks the cries from Buzzards have become more determined and persistent. This follows a stage of display flights. Now they collect nest material. Buzzards use old twigs, small branches, and bark to construct a solid nest usually in the […]
Nest Exhibition
The Egg Maker – carved in Yorkstone This bird sculpture is one of the pieces I’m showing at NEST an exhibition at Watermark Gallery which runs throughout April. It is an exhibition all about birds, wonderful birds. Seven artists are coming together for this group show with their own individual depictions, in print, paint […]
Huddled Hares Sculpture
Huddled Hares carved in Yorkstone are part of the collection being shown at Connect Art Fair by Norton Way Gallery. Connect Art Fair, London’s Independent Art Fair is held at the Mall Galleries, London SW1 from 23 – 27 March 2022. Norton Way Gallery can be found on Stand 9. Connect Art […]