Frogle – carved in Sandstone – 7″ x 5″ x 4″ The Sculpture shows the frog sitting on a pebble – I’ve often seen frogs sitting on stones, just like this. When I dug my pond I made sure to include an area of pebbles and stones for the frogs to get in […]
And as Spring begins – hatchlings
Yesterday was such a beautiful sunny, warm day for Spring to begin. And, as the green shoots begin to appear, buds unfurl, also hatchlings arrive. The offspring of these two perhaps. All peeping, fluffy and wobbly on their legs, huddling together for reassurance. Quail chicks sculpture carved in Yorkstone.
FORM Sculpture Exhibition
My pieces for FORM The Sculpture Exhibition at Sculpture by the Lakes in Dorset are now in place. (I really rather wish I was there too!) Simon and the Gallery by the Lakes team just sent me this wonderful image of Cherty Bird in place enjoying a stunning lake view. FORM – The Sculpture […]
Hare taking the spring air
Hare carved in Yorkstone – 10″ x 6″ x 6″ I wanted this hare to be a little bolder (than Hare Hesitant), so gave this sculpture the appearance of a Hare raising its head, looking out, taking in the spring air. The Hare Looking Out sculpture is pictured here at my workshop, doing much […]
Whinbusks in bud
I walked up onto the moor yesterday morning, there had been a hard frost overnight covering the ground dusty white. Through the cold came the birdsong and the gleam of the rising sun and I felt the push of spring despite the chill. Once on the moor path along Lastingham Ridge, I’m aware of […]
Forest and Moor
Goldcrest sculpture ready for showing at the Forest and Moor exhibition – carved in Yorkstone with gold leaf crests. Forest and Moor is the new exhibition opening on March 5th at the Watermark Gallery in Harrogate. The exhibition is showing the expressive artwork of North Yorkshire artist Janine Baldwin. One or two of my […]
Hare Hesitant
‘Mad as a March Hare’ they say…. March is right in the middle of the Hare’s breeding season, the males searching out the females, chasing and circling them. If a male tries to get too close too soon, the female stands up on her hind feet and turns on him striking with her forepaws, […]
Is my fossil a Rough Horsetail?
From time to time I find fossils in the sandstone I’m carving – most always they look like plant stems or leaves, and occasionally seed pods. It is always a rather exciting revelation as I excavate them, trying to keep the fossil complete. The reason these discoveries are so compelling is that they represent […]
Crested Tit
As part of my collection of Little Birds, I’m working on a Crested Tit today. I’ve never seen one, and although they’re common in Europe, the only place to see them in the UK is Scotland. They’re found in coniferous forests and ancient pinewoods in Inverness or Strathspey. The Crested Tit is lively and […]
This is the first of what I plan will be a flock of Goldcrest – or – as I think I’ll call it, a Castle of Kinglets! A ‘Castle’, ‘Court’, or ‘Princedom’ are collective names for Goldcrest, from the bird family Kinglets and Firecrests. Goldcrests are the UK’s smallest bird and have a golden […]