
Yellow Bird

  During the Big Garden Birdwatch 2020 I was reminded of Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth.  I couldn’t remember it all, but do recall The birds around me hopped and played, Their thoughts I cannot measure:- But the least motion which they made It seemed a thrill of pleasure. And so it […]

Blackbird Sculpture

  Every year a Blackbird couple nest in the hedge that runs along the north boundary of my workshop area.   (They’re the ones who pinch all my Gooseberries!).  On occasion a pair have nested in the sheds.  I’ve noticed over the last week another Blackbird nearby running and bobbing in threat display, and singing to […]

In the Workshop today – Little Bird

  Around the workshop a restless Wren is busy darting about, and when the door is open comes in to check for lacewings and spiders to feed on.   Although they’re highly territorial birds, during winter months, and especially when it is bitterly cold, they roost together, several dozen huddled together for warmth.  It’s lovely to […]

Harrogate Spring Flower Show 2020

  In April this year I’m exhibiting at the Harrogate Spring Flower Show – the show will provide an inspiring platform to showcase some of my larger sculpture, and new pieces for the garden.   I’m also taking a little range of pots and planters and unique artistic one-off pieces. Harrogate Flower Show is a […]

Brume Bird

  Through the haar and murky short December days, this bird came.  The bird sculpture, with its long tail high in the air is carved in Swaledale Fossil Marble (the same stone as Fossily Bird). Quite a fascination working this dense stone, seeing all the structures within – the pre-historic remains embedded in the rock […]

I met an owl in the lane

  It surprised us both I think! At the start of darkness, the night just beginning, out of the flickering dusk an owl takes flight, stares at the tussocks and glides up over the hedge and is only yards from me in the lane. It zig-zags away, startled. The Barn Owl reappears a field away, […]


  A bird flew into the house, it was a bit panicked and flapping when it saw me.  I stayed still and it flew to the bookcase and perched there. I tried to usher it back out, but each time it flew past the wide open window and back round to the top of the […]

Fossily Bird

  Fossily Bird sculpture is carved in Swaledale Fossil limestone.  The stone contains an abundance of fossils and fossil traces which are really brought out clearly when the stone is polished. As might be expected Swaledale Fossil comes from Swaledale, a North Yorkshire dale on the River Swale.   It is a typical limestone valley, the […]

In the Workshop today – carving triangles

  These little simple shapes – I’m just carving triangles – when repeated, grouped, and wandering, magically make patterns.   I adore the way they catch the light and the stone surface comes alive. The triangles span out, as they spread they look like stars. But, actually the idea is that they will indicate scales.   I’m […]

A little film of me at the workshop

  Land of Iron – Filming for North York Moors Earlier in the year I was contacted by Fuzzy Duck Creative, a creative studio in Manchester.  They were working with the North York Moors on a new visitor video to be shown at the Moors National Park Centre.  The idea was to share with visitors […]