
The Nuthatch – a very endearing bird

  Last year was a bit of a Nuthatch year for me. During the Big Garden Birdwatch at the beginning of 2017, it was the Nuthatch I sketched.  Little did I know then that the pair at the feeders were to nest in my old Sycamore tree, and raise young, that year and last year […]

A Loveliness of Ladybirds

  As a result of the clocks going back I discover that the collective name for Ladybirds (Ladybugs, Ladybeetles) is a Loveliness. A Loveliness   I’m sure I should have known this, it seems so obvious now!  And perfect! I clambered up into the rafters at the workshop to alter the clock hands, back  one […]

Wildlife Artists

  The Society of Wildlife Artists annual exhibition The Natural Eye opens today at the Mall Galleries, running until Sunday 4th November, 2018.   Over 350 works are shown – all created by artists dedicated to and inspired by wildlife. What could be better!?   If you like wildlife art that is!   There’s a […]

Barn Owl Sculpture

  Over the last few months it has been busy with Barn Owls, I’ve seen them in flight quartering the fields and returning with food for youngsters, and more recently the new-fledged owlets making their first tentative explorations of the world beyond the nest box. Though these initial flights appear rather haphazard and ungainly, (suggesting […]

Carved Stones along the River Aire

  Earlier in the year I worked with Arup, (an independent firm of designers, engineers, architects, planners, consultants and technical specialists in the built environment), to create a memorial walk along the River Aire in Leeds. They had seen a stone I’d carved previously and thought that something similar, scaled up, would suit the project.  […]

A vole scurries for cover

  The burnished copper tones in the Owl and Oak Leaves stone roundel express themselves magically – each time I move the inlay shines, glimmers and glows a myriad of metalic pinks, gleaming reds and rich shimmering browns.   It will be lovely to see the emphasis change as the scene weathers and softens, time enhanced […]

A Mole and a Mole Sculpture

  A feverishly digging mole, scraping at the damp silt and shifting stones and pebbles in its path.  I watched it for many moments, but it heard me and vanished down a hole in the bank.  It moved surprisingly quickly. The little beck that runs down past my workshop has completely dried up.   I’ve […]

In the Workshop today – damselfly

  Work in progress on a Banded Demoiselle carving in sandstone. The sun shone into the workshop in slivers, landing on the stone, as if come to warm up my work.   Damselflies love to bask in sunshine and can often be seen sunbathing in the early morning on a stalk, rock pile or bare […]

Tawny Owl Sculpture

  The Tawny Owls here are noisy at the moment.  Their calls are really quite musical, I’m hearing a number of different ‘hoots’, which is not surprising given it is their breeding season.  The familiar hooting of the male has several functions – as a territorial call, a courtship call and also an announcing call […]

View with Stone

  I sat on this stone – it was warm from the morning’s sun – and took in the view whilst eating lunch.  An excursion to explore an old quarry site, now overgrown with saplings, bramble and wild flowers.  I disturbed a deer, surprised a Tawny Owl, watched rabbits scamper and squirrels scurry.  Butterflies basked […]