
Contemporary Bird Sculpture

    From what bird’s flawless design, I do not know, but oh – its simple, quiet elegance.       Inspiration from the natural world – Jaggy Tailed Bird  sculpture- Sandstone – 9″ x 4″ x 7″ Shop Jaggy Tailed Bird        

In the Workshop today – otter carving

  The stone is warm from the heat of the sun and I’m trying to keep a clear head as I work the details of my otter sculpture.  This refining and making of small alterations at this stage of carving can have an enormous impact.  The chisel, with the smallest cut, may change the character, […]

Rustic Birdlets

  Every band, line, swirl and mark combine to enliven and make each bird unique.  These Birdlets are plain and simple in style, each carved from a solid piece of colourful Yorkstone with distinctive natural iron ore elements running through.  Birdlets are contemporary in feel with a rustic beauty. When visiting the quarry I select […]

Birds in the Ancient World

    Isn’t it just a wonderful thing when you get engrossed and ‘lost’ in a book? At the moment I’m completely absorbed by Birds in the Ancient World – Winged Words – by Jeremy Mynott which explores the Greek and Roman worlds over a thousand years through their relationship with birds, from medicine to […]

Hailstorms, Sunshine and Birds

  Hailstones batter the workshop roof, the wind gusting them in swirls.  Moments later the sun shines.  It is the cycle of this morning. Between each stormy bout the birds appear and resume their activity, some brave the hail battering anyway to forage and feed. And sing. And court and pair. And flit and wag. […]

In the Workshop today – Lapwing sculpture

  I can hear Lapwings calling as I carve.  A couple of weeks ago I saw a sole bird and rejoiced its return to my little area of the North York Moors – Lapwings nest in the fields above my workshop.  The wind was high, and the Lapwing was buffeted in the sky, and I […]

Bird Sculpture – a pair of Quails

  Quails are distinctive due to the combination of their stocky bodies and long, pointed wings.  Their upperparts are brown, streaked and barred with buff, while their underparts are a warm, buffy orange. In the UK they are a migrant bird and can be found in low-lying parts of northern England as a summer visitor.  […]

Frog sculpture carved in Yorkstone

    On all the occasions I’ve held a frog in my hand, usually rescuing one from the road, or taking one outside that has hopped into the house, I’ve been astonished by the feel of its skin and the squishiness of its body.  Also surprising has been its strength in trying to get away […]

Whimbrel Sculpture

  The Whimbrel is a large brown wading bird with a long down-curved bill which it uses to probe into wet sand for invertebrates such as crabs, walking slowly through areas where the water is very shallow.  It is also partial to ground insects, slugs and snails. They are significantly vocal birds having a rippling […]

In the Workshop today – Fancy Birds

  Perhaps it is the powerful twisty gusts of wind that has ruffled the tail feathers of these two.   It has certainly brought me into the workshop to finish them, I’m sanding their surfaces smooth and the dust keeps blowing up in my eyes and I’m buffeted off-balance. Fancy Birds – for their resplendent showy-offy […]