In the workshop today – chamfering
A chamfer is a symmetrical sloping surface at an edge or corner. Here it is the edge between two faces on a square column. A form of bevel is created at a 45 degree angle on adjoining right angled surfaces. There are four to do, one for each corner. In fact, this is a […]
In the Workshop – sanding my heart out
There are no shortcuts with sanding – it just has to be done if I want a flawlessly smooth surface. This bird sculpture will be polished, so if I’m not thorough I’ll be found out. As I work through the grades of abrasive I’m feeling the finish as much as seeing it, finger tips […]
Abundance in Red
Already my geese have scrumped all the apples from the lower branches, and are very good as a team – one pulling at the leaves and twiggy ends, the other two jumping up to reach the apples. The riper the apples get, the easier this is for them, as a knock or nudge with […]
Pale Rain
I’m in the workshop and can hear the pitter patter (pour) of rain on the corrugated roof, I love the sound. Outside in the foggy wet, a spider shelters on the last sweet-pea stem.
In the workshop today – finishing touches
I’ve been putting finishing touches to my Cuckoo sculpture so it will be ready for the Wildlife Sculpture exhibition at RHS Garden Harlow Carr in Harrogate which I’m setting up tomorrow. As can happen with carving, the likeness and look of a piece can change in an instant on removal of the smallest chip […]
In the workshop – a group of birds
I’m not sure how many birds make a flock, a few? A group? I’ve carved six stone birds for my flock. Four in alabaster and two in soapstone. Though similar, all are slightly different in the way they are flying. Gathered ready for final sanding and polishing.
In the workshop – carving rabbit
Progress of my rabbit sculpture in sandstone – I love the way that rabbits stretch themselves out, bottoms in the air, yawning, pulling and flexing after a sleep. It is so often followed by washing, tidying and thorough grooming before setting off for the best, freshest new grass shoots.
Common Red and Golden Ringed
The summer heat over the weekend brought out a mass of insects at the workshop – my bramble full of butterflies and bees and the grass stems alive with flying and crawling things. A dragonfly bumped into me – I was startled as it hit me quite hard on the head, followed by […]
Wildlife Moments
Watching the busy birds and animals at my workshop and in the surrounding fields and countryside fills me with pleasure. Sometimes I’ve dedicated hours to it and seen nothing, and at other times everywhere I turn there’s spectacle and revelation. Those days of wildlife moments fill me to bursting with inspiration, with energy, to […]
Hot weather and hammer handles
The spell of hot and dry weather has caused the handles on my stone carving hammers and mallets to become loose. The wood dries out and shrinks just enough to cause the iron mallet head to slip and move about. It doesn’t help with carving! It is something that happens over time with hammers […]