
Red Kite souring overhead

  This big bird seemed to be looking down at me yesterday, watching the workshop as it soured overhead – I could see its head moving, as if to get a better look.  Its huge wings were still and just occasionally it changed the angle of its tail to steer.  I thought to begin with […]

The joy of new tools

  Tools do eventually wear out, their useful life comes to an end.  I feel disgruntled and out of sorts  when they do.  They’ve become shaped to my hand, I’ve got used to how they work, I’ve sharpened them and they have served me well.    Stone is a particularly punishing material on tools, especially […]

It’s raining Sycamore flowers

  They hung, fragrant and sticky earlier in the year, buzzing with insects eager for the sweet feed.  The leaves and twigs of the tree, and the ground beneath,  glistened with honey-dew. Now they fall down in showers, blown and sunburned brown and dry and carpet everywhere with their soft, cone-shaped florets.  I scooped up […]

A bad week for my birds

  You know how it is when birds come to your garden, feed, bathe, nest – you feel pleased and proud they have chosen you to be with – and you call them ‘your’ birds. Well, my birds have had a bad time, and I’ve felt very sad about it this week.    First my swallows […]

Open Studio – back to a workshop

  On Sunday night, after my last visitors from North Yorkshire Open Studios left, it felt strangely quiet in the workshop.   After two weekends full of laughter, talk, music, socialising, friendliness and warmth, I sat on my own, reflecting and feeling tired, and pretty emotional actually! Thanks to all who came and brought me joy […]

Open Studio – my workshop

When I arrived at my workshop this morning, on the eve of Open Studios, it looked all quiet and peaceful, as if still asleep, just nestled in its buttercup filled field. I’m thinking about the busy weekend ahead, the music, friendly people and sculpture it will be filled with.  Better go and wake it up! […]

Open Studio – planning your route

  In the North Yorkshire Open Studios brochure, my workshop comes under the Moors and Coast area – I’m number 94 on the map.  I like maps and enjoy seeing where I have been and organising trips.  I’ve drawn a little map here for you,  to include my workshop and artist’s studios nearby, which makes […]

Open Studio – nearly ready

  Just returned from a lovely meeting of local artists participating in North Yorkshire Open Studios – to wish each other all the best for the opening weekends and to top-up with brochures and gather cards and information.  It is lovely to hear about everyone’s preparation and there’s a real feeling of excitement. I love […]

Open Studio – Opening

  This year,  NYOS 14,  is the 10th Anniversary of North Yorkshire Open Studios and to celebrate I’m having live music at my opening on Saturday, 7th June – Bach played on the Viola in my workshop!  Come and enjoy  ‘music to watch sculpture by’ – a feast for eyes and ears. The viola is […]

Letter to my birds

  Dear Birds I am so happy and honoured that you came to make your home and build your nest in my workshop – but please would you use one of the safe ledges, or rafters, or even the little nest boxes I have supplied.   This nest I cannot help but disturb every time I […]