
Ferns from an Ancient Woodland

  As the chippings and shards fall away, ferns and plant life from another world scatter to the ground.  I’m trying to concentrate on carving, on my sculpture, but the stone transports me to ancient woodlands, pre-historic lush terrain, club mosses, fiddleheads and fronds.        

What is it with Mice and the colour Red?

    As the weather gets colder I find the little creatures start to come indoors – when I say indoors I mean the workshop.  I can tell, as they leave little brown tell-tale signs, and also footprints in the stone dust. Once I came to put my gloves on and found the fingers chewn […]

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust – work day

  Yesterday I spent a brilliant time with a group of volunteers at Appleton Mill Farm on one of the conservation work days with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.  The Farm is managed in partnership with the Trust and the day’s work involved clearing a steep, wooded, muddy bank of all the scrub and branches left […]

A Kestrel’s Chiding

  Have you ever been scolded by a Kestrel?  It is new to me – but there’s absolutely no doubt about it when it happens! This is the reason. A few days away from the workshop and wildlife has taken up residence – of course I’m delighted – but hadn’t expected it to be so […]

Winter Workshop

    My workshop this morning, in the first of the real winter frosts this year.  The light through the fog is spectacular.  My stone is cold.  I shudder and reflect on how wildlife survives such a freeze. Everything is cold. Gradually the sun pushes through the fog and my frosted workshop doors turn to […]

Merry Christmas

  On mid-winter night the sky was clear and the Winter Solstice stars shone bright.  I gazed.  It sparkled. Wishing you a very   M E R R Y    C H R I S T M A S & H A P P Y    N E W    Y E A R  

Birds Carolling

  December days are just flying, already it is the Carol Service here in Lastingham this Sunday, 18th – I rather enjoy singing along to carols, though I don’t know this one, or its tune.  I was introduced to it by Rosemary Roberts, of The Celtic Cross Press who created a Christmas card with her […]

A gift for a garden and its birds

  Earlier in the year I watched a robin visit my Birdbath here at the workshop – it perched on the edge, bobbing and flicking its wings.  I thought at first it was in distress.  Then it flew, without drinking or bathing. Moments later it returned with three other birds – all newly fledged robin […]

City Dog

  I’ve just come across these pictures of my dog sculpture and they reminded me of when I carved the Pug. Some little while ago I was approached by Elegant Clutter to help with of one of their design projects.  The client had requested a carved stone dog and liked one of my dog carvings […]

Swan Sculpture

  Yesterday I delivered my swan sculpture to Stratford-upon-Avon, along with two large stone plinths, one for the swan, and another for a bowl-shaped birdbath which is also for the garden. They are for a newly built Tranquility Garden,  designed by Spartacus Landscape Gardens for Stratford Town Council. I feel so proud of my sculpture […]