A frenzy of fledglings
It is so busy at the workshop just now with birds free from sitting on nests frantically attempting to manage their broods, fresh fledged and wide-eyed. My pair of blue-tits, who nested in the corner of my shed, encourage their young with constant calls and example flights upwards. One baby took its first flight […]
Kestrel company
When Kestrels are around you jolly well know about it. They’re noisy birds. I saw one on my way to the workshop in early March, further down the lane and was pleased, having not seen them here before. By late March they were close-by, sitting on fence posts, and obviously checking me out. At […]
Otter Streamside
Today I delivered and set up pieces at RHS Garden Harlow Carr for the Streamside Sculpture Trail which is on during June. At the gate I met a similarly loaded vehicle, with sculpture padded and strapped for the journey – and in the gardens other sculptors busy setting out their pieces. One of my […]
Shrew Sculpture – Egyptian style
A fascinating ancient Egyptian bronze shrew sarcophagus, dating to the Late Period, 664 – 332 BC. I found this image at ArtAncient whilst searching for information about shrews – to get to know more about these little mammals that I’m rather fond of, as you know from this recent shrew, and this one. The […]
She who hesitates ……
I’ve just started a little sketch in slate. Having not worked slate before I made a very tentative start. The efficient and helpful Burlington Stone supplied samples of their greenish Broughton Moor stone and the grey Brathay (which is the one I’ve carved here). I have never thought of myself as a nervous carver, […]
A walk with three toes
Instead of taking my usual route I followed tracks in the snow. Overnight there had been a deep frost so I crunched as I walked. A clear, winding set of footprints marked the way. These were pheasant imprints and I took its walk. It became difficult at times, on hands and knees, in and […]
Winter Preenings
I’ve collected these feathers over the last few months. The soft, feathery gifts lie beneath the Barn Owl’s nightly perch, and show me she stayed there a while to preen. Sometimes there is just the tiniest wisp of grey fluff in evidence, and at others, treasures like these. They are so soft and light […]
Badger with gilded paws
Today – 6th October, 2015 is National Badger Day, so I’m thinking about badgers a lot, and the work of the Badger Trust the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and locally Ryedale Wildlife Rehabilitation. Though I’ve carved a number of badgers, there’s a sculpture I love by Beth Carter called Badger with gilded paws and here it […]
Thoughts of Bop
Bop is a tiny, few week old Tawny Owl chick, found by Countryside Tales blog in the road, bleeding. The injured bird was quickly taken to someone who has expertise in wildlife rehabilitation who was able to care for it. I’ve been thinking about how lucky it was that someone who has understanding and knowledge of wildlife […]
Little Snores
Found sleeping.