Simple shapes for Semps
I’ve been making stone plant pots for an order this week, and while I was at it thought I would try a new shape in the beautiful pale yellow Tadcaster Limestone, a test pot for my own Sempervivums, which have been flowering and multiplying like mad. Usually I make the little succulent pots in […]
In the Workshop today – making a film!
It has been very exciting here, having One&Other Creative at the workshop filming. They’re making a series of films of artists who are exhibiting at The Art Market YORK at the beginning of October. The short videos will show artists’ workplaces, how their work is made and give a little insight and background – […]
Stone Carving at the Dales Countryside Museum
On Sunday I spent a very enjoyable day running a stone carving drop-in workshop for visitors to the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes. Lots of families came, with everyone making a carving to take home. The little outdoor theatre at the museum makes a lovely venue for stone carving – it is a sort […]
Face Feathers
The Barn Owl that visits my workshop sits on one of the beams, and seems to spend lots of time preening. In the morning I find the feathers on the workshop floor. Recently the feathers have been from the Barn Owl’s face – small, almost bristly feathers, stiff and strongly curved. Some have the […]
Stone Owl Sculpture
Owl sitting in the sunshine ready to be packed up for the trip to Stillingfleet Lodge Gardens tomorrow to set up the Sculpture in the Garden exhibition which runs throughout August.
North Yorkshire Open Studios 2017
It seems like a long way ahead I know, but I wanted to share the good news I received today that I have been selected to be part of the North Yorkshire Open Studios event in 2017. I’ll keep you updated with NYOS17 preparations as time goes on, and in the run-up to opening […]
Tall and elegant stone Birdbath
At this time of year I’m always busy making birdbaths, which I love, as I know the joy of watching birds flit to the bowl rim, sip water, or take the plunge for a full, splashy bath. What a joy it is to watch. All my birdbaths are individually made by hand in a […]
Lick into shape
The illustration on the front of this little book drew me to it, and then when I read the spine ‘Animal Carvings’, I couldn’t resist. It is by M D Anderson, who also wrote The Medieval Carver, and was published in 1938 by Cambridge University Press. Medieval thinking was very different, and understanding it […]
Gold Leaf
Stone finials and balls have been effective decoration on buildings and structures for hundreds of years and have gone in and out of fashion in gardens over the centuries too. I’ve always loved them as a styling feature – on top of gateposts, as a finishing touch to a wall, as a support for […]
In the Workshop today – dry dust
When I first started working stone I used to go to the stone-dressers’ sheds at the quarry and watch them working to see if I could glean any tips. Hours of rythmic, neat facing of stone, pitched edges, punch faced walling and curved coping stones. At the end of the day’s shift, tools were […]