Mottled Green Diver
Divers are a small family of large water birds with three species regularly seen in the UK – Black Throated, Red Throated and Great Northern Diver. The Mottled Green is rarer! All have long, slender bodies, moderately long necks and dagger-shaped bills, narrow wings and small legs (with long, lobed toes) set far back on […]
Feeling Cornish
Recently I met my mother for lunch and we spent a cherishable afternoon, chatting, laughing and enjoying memories – my mother is lovely company. I’m not sure how we came to it, but I learned that I was conceived in Cornwall. My parents had planned a holiday there as a bit of a break, shortly after […]
Little Owl Sculpture
This is the first time I’ve carved Ancaster Weatherbed stone. This piece was so beautifully flecked grey and brown that I thought it perfect to suggest the feather colouring of a Little Owl. I’ve worked Ancaster limestone before, but that was the stone the quarry describes as Hard White. Within the beds (the layers […]
Sculpture – shaping stone
Pushing into the material. Imagining the line.
Have we angered Sylph
Or was it Zeus, god of storms, thundering through the night on his chariot drawn by the four horse-shaped winds. Something disturbed the elements, the agitation kept me awake for hours. Perhaps it was needed – this morning is clean and calm and gentle. The windless warm sun makes it difficult to remember the ferocious power nature roared […]
This is the result of my chipping – a Rabbit sculpture carved in Portugese Rose marble. Last year when I was collecting from one of the nests my geese were laying in, there was a little rabbit sitting right in the middle among the eggs, all cosy. I was able to get very close and […]
Little by Little
….. chip by chip
The White Fox Gallery
This is White Fox – it’s a little piece I carved to celebrate my forthcoming exhibition at the White Fox Gallery. I’ll be showing work as a guest artist, alongside another stone carver Natasha Smith, whose work is also inspired by the natural world, following themes such as shells, leaves, insects, clouds, fossils and hollows – I’m […]
Snow Stones
Snow fall and we’re covered in white. The blanket layer envelopes, hushes and quietens – the inside of my workshed contains all my movements, thoughts, breaths – held by the covering, temporarily pocketed, educating by their shapes. Heightened senses. Soft white, smooth white, hard white, cold white, textured white, stone white – silent white. […]
NYOS 2015
My workshop will be open over the weekends of 6th/7th June & 13th/14th June, 2015 as part of the North Yorkshire Open Studios event. I’m really pleased to have been selected for NYOS 15 – there’s lots of new work to show you and exciting developments to tell you about. I’ll be adding details to my Open […]